This week is National Apprenticeship Week. A time to learn more about apprenticeships and how they can benefit your career and organisation.
An Apprenticeship is on-the-job training that leads to national and international recognised qualification ranging from Level 2 (GCSE-equivalent) to Level 7 (Masters-equivalent) and open to ages 16 and over.
Apprenticeships in Primary Care can help develop and train existing staff, whilst attracting new members of staff to diversify and bridge gaps in the workplace. They provide a future pipeline for clinical and non-clinical roles, simplify career progression, open the door to new ideas and knowledge, and are a great investment in current and future NHS talent.
Apprenticeship qualifications are available in a wide range of areas and levels in the Health and Social Care sectors.
Here are some apprenticeships the Kent & Medway Primary Care Training Hub offer:
(Levels, funding and duration do vary)
Business administration
Advanced Clinical Practitioner ACP
Assessor Coach
Accounts/ Finance
Nursing Associate and Registered Nursing
Learning Careers
Clinical Coder
Community Health & Wellbeing Worker
Systems Thinking
Project Management
Enhanced Clinical Practitioner ECP
Healthcare Support Worker
Functional skills:
Functional Skills English and Maths are requested to start an apprenticeship or to progress in any kind of position; they provide people of all education levels with accessible skills to improve reading, writing and communications, allow a better understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts, and are one of the most popular qualifications taken by adult learners.
In the primary care sector, employees or new starters wishing to undertake an apprenticeship pathway will need to have a recognised GCSE or GCSE-equivalent qualification such as a Level 2 Functional Skills qualification to apply.
Functional Skills providers recognised by Kent & Medway Training Hubs:
Online Functional Skills English and maths
You will be required to take an online initial assessment to ascertain your level and to place you in the right class.
Courses are delivered online in real time with options of morning, afternoon, twilight, evening and weekend classes.
Enquiries to: skillsonlineeandmfs@kent.gov.uk
For more information please email Curriculum leader : kemi.osinowo@kent.gov.uk
(used by Canterbury Christ Church University)
More information on the Runway Training website: https://runwaytraining.co.uk/functional-skills/
For more information, please contact Ollie Porter ollieporter@runwaytraining.co.uk
Digital Account Service:
If you are a Practice thinking about hiring an apprentice you will need to create a Digital Account Service.
With an account you can:
Reserve apprenticeship funding for co-investment
Levy transfer – transfer of levy from other organisations as agreed
Find, save and manage training providers as well as grant provider permission
Create and post vacancies - recruit apprentices
Add and manage apprenticeships, confirm training commitment and manage payment
Read the flyer below for set-up details:
For all apprenticeships information, please contact Kent and Medway Training Hubs: kmccg.pcthapprenticeships@nhs.net