Spirometry Performance and Interpretation Training
Suitable for all clinicians performing and interpreting spirometry including GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses. Healthcare Assistants to attend 8.45-12.30 for Performance of Spirometry only.
Learning Outcomes - Spirometry Performance:
• To understand the role of spirometry in primary care
• To observe a spirometry test being performed
• To understand how to set up a spirometer for a spirometry test
• To understand how to maintain a spirometer to ensure quality testing can be undertaken e.g.,
verification / infection control requirements
• To understand assessment requirements of a patient prior to undertaking spirometry to ensure
safety and accuracy e.g. Contraindications and measurement of demographics
• To understand what constitutes a good standard spirometry test e.g., acceptability and repeatability criteria
• To be able to understand requirements of a quality spirometry trace – flow volume and volume-time curve
• Reversibility testing – testing requirements, PSD / Prescriptions, medication delivery
• To recognise errors in testing and adjust patients’ technique appropriately
• How to report spirometry results in patients notes
• Spirometry in a covid era
• ARTP register and ARTP assessment requirements
Spirometry Interpretation:
• To understand indices measured in spirometry including FEV1, FVC, VC, FEV1/FVC, FEV1/VC, PEFR, FEF25-75.
• To interpret spirometry results using % predicted and lower limits of normal
• Identification of significant and non-significant reversibility
• To recognise a normal flow-volume and volume time curve
• To recognise common abnormalities in the flow-volume and volume-time curve in both airflow obstruction and restriction.
• To understand how common lung pathologies will present on spirometry
For dates and sign up information, open the flyer linked below: