People working in primary care in North Kent are invited to a free interactive workshop showcasing the new Trainee Nursing Associate (TNA) and Registered Nursing Associate (RNA) role and exploring how this can be embedded in your service.
Who's it for?
Hosted by HEE KSS, the event is intended for people involved in workforce planning, with a particular emphasis on services that have not yet deployed a Registered Nursing Associate or provided placement for a Trainee Nursing Associate.
What will the day involve?
New Nursing Associate roles have already benefited service delivery and effective patient care. This event is a chance to learn more about the role and hear from guest speakers and HEE colleagues.
The event will:
Showcase the benefit of the role to services and people on programme
Provide real examples of how TNA/RNAs have been built into services
Detail the resources available to you to support development of this role
Share national, regional and local best practices and resources
Sign up
You can register for the event for free. Parking is available and a free lunch will be provided. Register now.