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Springpod - Virtual Work Experience


The Kent and Medway AHP Faculty will be relaunching Springpod on 26th May at 5pm.

Springpod is a careers platform which offers virtual work experience.

As part of our launch we will be hosting a live Q and A webinar with Allied Health Professionals from around Kent and Medway, our speakers are Occupational Therapists (Registered and apprentice), Prosthetists, Dieticians, Physiotherapy student, podiatrist and ODP.

Students and adults who are exploring career options can sign up to the live session and ask questions of the speakers.

This is a great opportunity to spread the word of the Allied Health professions and is in time for many careers fairs being held at our schools, colleges, and Universities. Please could I ask that the following links be shared far and wide to maximise the number of students and adults signing up, and if you are an education institution this may be something that could be added to your advertising of health courses so students can look at what the careers about before visiting the open days to find out about the courses!



Young adult:

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