Thrive after maternity leave – plan a confident return to work:
This five-week coaching programme takes you through everything you need to think about to plan a confident return to work: from how to manage your emotions, maintain your confidence, juggle work and family life, maintain your sense of self and create your return to work plan. So you won’t just survive after your return to work, you will thrive.”
Multiple start dates from Jan 4 2022
£35 for Trainees and £45 for Qualified GPs
Online delivery
Register here:
Supported Return to Practice: Simulated Surgery
This is a supportive and interactive learning opportunity to enable you to feel confident returning to clinical practice.
Remote consultation practice with role players for common GP presentations, facilitated in small groups
Time for discussion and question and answer with experienced GPs and personal top tips for return after maternity leave
Signposting to clinical resources
Opportunity for peer networking and support This is a supportive and interactive learning opportunity to enable you to feel confident returning to clinical practice
Multiple start dates from 23 February 2022
Online delivery
Register here: