A Digital Account Service (DAS) allows employers to:
Reserve apprenticeship funding for co-investment
Levy transfer – transfer of levy from other organisations as agreed
Find, save and manage training providers as well as grant provider permission Create and post vacancies - recruit apprentices
Add and manage apprenticeships, confirm training commitment and manage payment
Reserve Funding:
You can reserve funding in the ‘finance’ section of your apprenticeship service account.
You can also give your training provider permission to reserve funds on your behalf.
For a step-by-step guide click here
When to use reserve funding:
Reserved funding is available to use from the month of the apprenticeship start date and the following 2 months. The reserved funding will expire at the end of the 3rd month if not used.
To avoid reserved funding from expiring, you need to add apprentice details. You can only have a combination of up to 3 ‘active’ or ‘used’ reservations at any time For example: If you choose January as the apprenticeship training start date, the reserved funding is valid for January, February and March and expires on 1st April.
Levy Transfer:
Levy paying employers can transfer up to 25% of their annual funds to any organisation that wants to receive a transfer.
For a step-by-step guide click here
Contact the Kent & Medway Primary Care Training Hubs Apprenticeship Team:
Setting up a Digital Account Service Flyer: