July 2022 to November 2022 (18.30-20.30) Online training programme
With pharmacists and community pharmacy offering a wider range of services to local populations the need for them to work in partnership with general practices and primary care networks (PCNs) is essential. Pharmacy leaders face a steep learning curve, to support this integrated way of working, with the need to build new relationships, lead change and encourage partnership working with general practice and other parts of the system at a time when the whole health service is under extreme pressure. Pharmacy needs strong representation and leadership to contribute to successful networks, develop and deliver services to improve population health and manage demand across the system.
PCC delivers a leadership programme specifically for pharmacy leaders, it is aimed at PCN pharmacy leads and aspiring leads. We use a coaching approach to ensure that participants can share their own learning and experience, enabling useful networks and relationships to develop. The programme offers the headspace for participants to consider their role and further develop their leadership both within their own teams and outwards across the system.
The programme begins with the opportunity to set the tone for the programme and shape how we will work together. We’ll spend time reflecting on the recent leadership experience and look at what to build on, looking at integrated systems and partnership working and how best to implement the changes ahead.
These three sessions are useful for all pharmacy leaders, are 3 hours long and delivered via Zoom.
Dates Session one - Introductions; Review and reflection on the last few months; Leadership styles; Leading across systems Thursday 21 July 2022, 18.30 - 20.30 Session two - Creating and maintaining change and influencing others Thursday 15 September 2022, 18.30 - 20.30 Session three - Change and culture; Personal and organisational resilience Wednesday 2 November 2022, 18.30 - 20.30 *Break included.