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Kent & Medway Support Circles


At this time of continuing pressure on us all, personally and professionally as we adapt to a post-Covid new normal, including new ways of working, loss, and concerns regarding the events in Ukraine and cost of living increases etc, we all need support.

The Kent & Medway Support Circles are a safe space for people managers, including supervisors and managers at all levels to come together, share their experiences and be heard. They are multi-disciplinary, interactive, confidential and provide evidence-based guidance and tools that help support them and their teams.

Who are they for?

Anyone who supports, supervises or manages people: this puts you in a leadership role. (For this reason, these circles are also known sometimes as Leadership Support Circles).

Why have the circles?

During the pandemic and the emerging living with Covid world, leaders have had to support their people through some challenging times and it is important to have a source of support for themselves.

How do they work?

Share your experiences of the pandemic and the now with colleagues from across the Kent and Medway health and care system. It’s a safe, confidential space where you can talk with like-minded peers. It’s like a Schwartz round or a care circle but for leadership! You can attend one, or all of the sessions – it’s about what works for you.

There are a variety of sessions, view dates in the attached flyer below:

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