Kent & Medway PRACTICE MANAGER CONFERENCE for Practice Managers, PCN Managers, Deputy/Assistant Practice Managers
Primary care is changing: You are the driving force that makes things
happen. This day is for you! Do not miss this event on the future direction of primary care and how you can support your practice over the next 5 years.
1st February 2023, 9:30am-4:30pm, Ashford International Hotel
Understanding the changes and horizon scanning – what is coming?
Future proofing the business of primary care
Increased workforce challenges
Increased focus on integration and Primary Care Networks leading the way
Expansion of primary care management – experience and skill set
Workshops include:
Influence and Impact – Confidence, gravitas and impact – making your voice heard, so when you speak, people listen
Mediation – dealing with conflict
Employment Law – what you need to know
The 101 of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Resilience and wellbeing
Quality Improvement Methodology
Population Health Management
Guest speakers, to include Dr Claire Fuller – Author of The Fuller Stocktake Report