Leading change with people and communities
Wed, 04 Mar

Time & Location
04 Mar 2020, 19:00
London, London, UK
About the event
NHS England and Improvement are delighted to invite you to Leading Change with People and Communities, our 2020 spotlight improvement events.
These events will see over 100 colleagues and partners from across the health and care sector coming together to explore the latest thinking about working in genuine partnership with people and communities. Together we will challenge traditional ways of thinking, share our tools and insights, and generate new ideas for change.
We will be launching the national Engagement Practitioners Network at these events. Find out more about how this new peer led network will help you to access the latest resources, support and thinking about working in partnership with people and communities.
Participants at these events will:
- Hear new thinking from radical thinkers and practitioners to inspire and challenge how we think about working with people and communities.
- Take-away information and resources about practical approaches to improving our work with people and communities in ways that genuinely transform relationships and services.
- Connect with colleagues old and new to share experiences and develop our thinking together.
Who are the events for?
These events are for people leading engagement with people and communities in:
- CCGs, NHS Provider Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts
- Primary Care Networks
- Academic Health Science Networks
- Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)
- Health research organisations
- Local Government
- Voluntary Sector and Social Enterprise organisations
- Local Healthwatch
We expect interest in these events to be high and for places to booked quickly. Save the date in your diary – booking details coming soon!
If you have any queries about these events please contact: england.engagement@nhs.net